September Check-In

How’s your September going? August preparations seem so long ago, don’t they? Setting up a learning space, choosing curriculums, arranging play dates or maybe even writing a contract for your pod seem like a long time ago and yet, it has only been a month. Time to evaluate what is working and what is not.

This September I went back to teaching in-person one day a week in my music studio. Masks, cleaning between each student and having a whole lot of understanding and patience has been the name of the game as very tired and stressed-out kids returned to my piano. The good news? We’re making progress!

I started homeschooling our Kindergarten aged grandson. Know what I learned? Some things still work like they did when I homeschooled my own children over twenty years ago. Somethings don’t. Know what? That’s ok.

The end of September is the time to re-evaluate what works for your learning environment and what doesn’t. Don’t feel like you’ve failed if you need to mix it up or change. This is a process and it’s new for everyone; especially kids.

Breathe. Children are natural learners. We’ll get there, together.

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